Dedicated Blogger Award
The Dedicated Blogger Award 2016 from Blackbutterfly7

My friend, Blackbutterfly7, has nominated “Good Time Stories” for the Dedicated Blogger Award 2016. In creating and nominating the award, she wrote:

“Blogging, some say, is losing ground on the Internet. Many people are now using Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram to convey their thoughts, leaving the more ‘old-fashioned’ blog behind.

But there are those who understand that, sometimes, a long form is best. Who know that it takes time, and craft, and WORDS as well as images to convey a thought, and to start a conversation.

This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.

This is a my “thank you” to you. Please, pass it on!”

There are no rules, but I suggest that the award be posted on the blog. If the theme does not have borders for posting the award, then consider a page (not post) for awards and putting it on the menu of your blog.

Here’s a hearty thank you and heartfelt appreciation to Blackbutterfly for this award. It also gives me great pleasure to pay this forward to other bloggers who provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.

As always, I’m afraid of leaving someone out who deserves the award, but have decided on the following blogs below.  Some of the bloggers have jobs, or have had things happen in their life, but they continue to blog, giving us all inspiration.  Some blog about their personal experiences and struggles and overcoming.  Their writings cause me to feel that they are like family.

This is not to say that there are not other bloggers who I enjoy, but they have already been nominated by other recipients.  That’s the great thing about our Word Press family.

Dr. Rex

The Key of Life

Lorna’s Voice


Chronicle of A Blogaholic

On Pets and PrisonersOn Pets and Prisoners