My Good Time Stories

rod-long-aJvSX36kweg-unsplashAround the world, millions upon millions of people celebrate one of the holiest and most blessed days of the year, the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is through that beautiful hope and promise that Christians base their faith upon, that like Jesus, we too will be someday resurrected and live with Him for eternity.

A friend of mine recently sent me the following poem about Easter…with a modern day twist. It has a hint of the legendary writer, Dr. Seuss, and of the times that we are all now experiencing.

It os my hope that this little poem brings a smile to your face, strengthens your faith, and inspiration to your soul.

“Easter…With A Nod to Dr. Seuss”

‘Twas late in ‘19 when the virus began

Bringing chaos and fear to all people, each land.

People were sick, hospitals full,

Doctors overwhelmed, no one in school.

As winter gave…

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