Nigel Howe
Photo Credit: Nigel Howe via CC Flickr

Well, folks, this is more of an exciting post in that today marks the 5th year that my blog, “Good Time Stories” has been on the web. I have been blessed with over 2,500 followers and over 1,100,000+ visitors who have viewed this site. I would have never thought that I would still be blogging 5 years after I first began and that there would be over 910 posts!

It has always been my hope and prayer since the very first day, that “Good Time Stories” would encourage, inspire, and motivate individuals with the stories, pictures, tales, accounts, and tidbits found from various sources from around the globe. I honestly hope that this has come to pass.

I would like to thank each and everyone one of you who have visited and enjoyed the content on my page and eagerly look forward to many more years of writing!