brown rope tangled and formed into heart shape on brown wooden rail
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Have you ever felt like you were not good enough and that your life was filled with poor self-confidence and self-doubt? If so, then I have just the prayer for you…the “Knots Prayer.” It is my hope that this small little prayer can help strengthen and encourage you to stay strong in your everyday life.

“The Knots Prayer”

 Dear God:

Please untie the knots

that are in my mind,

my heart, and my life.

Remove the have nots,

the can nots and the do nots

that I have in my mind.


Erase the will nots,

may nots,

might nots that may find

a home in my heart.


Release me from the could nots,

would nots and

should nots that obstruct my life.


And most of all,

Dear God,

I ask that you remove from my mind,

my heart and my life all of the “am nots”

that I have allowed to hold me back,

especially the thought

that I am not good enough.


~Author Unknown