man wearing blue hurley shirt
Photo by Thgusstavo Santana on

People are always wondering to themselves what they can or can’t eat. They are worried about their weight and are constantly looking for the “perfect diet” that will help them shed those dastardly extra pounds. People ask themselves, “Should I eat just vegetables? What about starting a

diet? Atkins diet? The Zone Diet or the Vegan diet? Maybe I should just eat fish?” The list and controversy can seem can feel like you are on the Gerbil Wheel of your diet life…going around and around in circles and getting nowhere.

Well, I have some things that may help make your decisions about the right or wrong kinds of food to eat a little easier…and more simplified. So, without further hesitation, here is some “food for thought”…

You can’t eat pork…you might get the Swine Flu

You can’t eat chicken…you might get the Bird Flu

You can’t eat beef…you might get Mad Cow Disease

You can’e eat eggs…you might get Salmonella

You can’t eat fish…there are heavy metals and poison in their waters

You can’t eat Fruits and Vegetables…because of the herbicides and insecticides

Hmmmmm….what CAN you eat?

I believe that leaves Cakes, Chocolate, and Ice Cream!!!!


STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!


Enjoy Your day!