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There are millions and millions of people around the world who have been born with some type of emotional, mental, or physical problems.

In order to become successful in life, the most important thing that will determine if a person overcomes their condition and become a successful individual, is their determination, hard work, and positive mind set to lead productive lives.

Today’s story is a tale about a very successful and famous actress who had to deal with the terrible condition of dyslexia. Find out how she focused her desire and aspirations to become the person that she is today.

It is hope and desire that this article will somehow inspire you today!

Whoopi Goldberg was born in New York City in 1955, as Caryn Johnson. She spent the first years of her life in a public housing project in Manhattan. Over the course of a turbulent early life, she survived poverty, drug addiction, single motherhood and a stint on welfare to become one of America’s most beloved entertainers.

Whoopi also struggled with dyslexia and, as a result, dropped out of high school. “I knew I wasn’t stupid, and I knew I wasn’t dumb. My mother told me that. Everybody told me I wasn’t stupid or dumb. If you read to me, I could tell you everything that you read. They didn’t know what it was. They knew I wasn’t lazy, but what was it?” When she was an adult, she finally found the reason for her reading struggles – dyslexia. As Whoopi once recounted, “I learned from a guy who was running a program and he had written a sentence on a board. And I said to him, ‘You know, I can’t read that.’ And he said, ‘Why not?’ And I said, ‘Because it doesn’t make any sense to me.’ So he said, ‘Well, whatever you see, write exactly what you see underneath.’ And so, he brought me to letters by coordinating what I saw to something called an A, or a B, or a C, or a D, and that was pretty cool.”

She said it still takes effort, but time and hard work has made it easier for her to read.
